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'Left behind' by humorgeddon

'Left behind' by humorgeddon
 Delos Johnson posted this photo from Alabama: "We just went for a short walk and then ... poof ... gone ... um ... what's that smell? ... yikes! ... brimstone."
The end times are no laughing matter, but when someone declares a particular day to be the start of the end, that can open the door for levity as well as lamentation. The most popular way to have a little fun with the Rapture — also known as Rapture bombing — has been to set out clothes to make it look as if the wearers were transported up to heaven.

There are literally scores of such pictures streaming onto Flickr, Yfrog, Instagram, Twitpic and other picture-sharing sites. Many of them have been flagged on Twitter with the hashtags #rapturebomb or #raptureprank. Here are a few of the favorites:

 David Kinsey made this his new Facebook profile picture, with this caption:‎'"Interesting article in Ti....' It's Rapture Day! Hahahaha Pose your clothes, without you in 'em, and at the end of the day, give 'em away! A new, annual, halloween-ish holiday, 3rd Saturday in May, to benefit charity."

Another one from Delos Johnson: "Close call! Almost had to cut the grass today. Feeling pretty rapturous about getting out of it!"
Here's a his-and-hers picture posted by Rob Sheridan: "Happy Rapture Day!"
Source: msn.com