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Herman cain tim pawlenty announce

herman cain tim pawlenty announce

herman cain tim pawlenty announce. Cain, Pawlenty to take next steps. Two Republicans who’ve been campaigning in Iowa are expected to soon announce they’re “official” candidates for the White House.

Former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty will formally declare his candidacy Monday during a town hall meeting in Des Moines. Former Godfather’s Pizza C.E.O. Herman Cain has an event scheduled today.

“May 21st, high noon, Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta,” Cain told a group of Iowa reporters this week, “I will announce something.”

Cain was the headliner at a banquet in Council Bluffs Friday night and he visited three other Iowa cities this past week.

“I think that my business background, my problem solving ability, is what’s going to attract a lot of people,” Cain said during an interview in Des Moines.

Cain, who served in the Navy during the Vietnam Era, worked for companies like Coca Cola and Pillsbury before taking over at Godfather’s. Cain tells audiences his approach to problem solving is what distinguishes him from the other presidential wannabes.

“And that starts with making sure we’re working on the right problem, making sure that you set the right priorities, and when you’re talking about setting the right priorities in government, that is putting the right amount of money that’ll solve the problem,” Cain said. “As an example, people are giving lip service to securing the border, but they haven’t put the money there in order to secure the border in the way we ought to secure it.”

Cain served as chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank in Kansas City for a year. He also served as president of the Washington, D.C.-based National Restaurant Association from 1996 to ’99, but Cain stresses his outsider status instead.

“Over 40 years of business experience is resonating with people a lot more with people than simply having political experience,” Cain said this past Tuesday.

Former Minnesota Governor Pawlenty announced Friday that a former chairman of the Iowa Republican Party and two other people who’ve worked on numerous Iowa campaigns will serve as consultants for his Iowa Caucus effort. One of them is former Iowans for Tax Relief Ed Failor, Junior, who resigned from that organization a few weeks ago. The Pawlenty campaign had previously announced Eric Woolson, the chief strategist for Mike Huckabee’s successful 2008 Iowa Caucus victory, would work for Pawlenty’s 2012 effort.